________________________________ EMPLOYMENT TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS AT COUNTRY AND ABROAD. ________________________________


About us

Dear Sir/Madam,

Estom, a Polish-based business development firm. We are a company that for more than 10 years of experience in manufacturing and montages products from the metal industry, both in Poland and Europe. Our primary activity is in the area of metalurgy production, construction and support services. We are seeking to expand our operations by establishing contact and working with you. We would like to invite you to become more familiar with what our firm offers and the services we provide in metalurgy production, consulting, recruitment and temporary employment.

The objective of our work is to provide services to our customers in areas not directly linked with their strategic goals, which in turn allows us to develop cooperation based on the principle of leadership. By acting in line with this idea we have created a package of complementary services: these include a creative, service-oriented market approach, care and attention to our customers’ work and performance, and an effort to meet the needs and respond to the problems of the companies we work with. We also understand the needs of today’s businesses, their specific objectives and the importance of responding quickly to changes in the constantly-evolving market. We hope that the offer we present will meet with interest on your side and will contribute to establishing long-term cooperation and a lasting partnership.


Szanowni Państwo W związku z realizacją projektu pt. „Rozwój i wzrost konkurencyjności firmy ESTOM dzięki udziałowi w misjach gospodarczych”, złożonego w ramach poddziałania 1.3.5 „Usługi dla MŚP” Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego woj. Warmińsko-Mazurskiego na lata 2014-2020, zapraszam do udziału w zapytaniu ofertowym (w celu analizy rynku) na przygotowanie kompleksowej usługi organizacji udziału Zamawiającego w misjach gospodarczych.

W załączeniu znajdziecie Państwo treść zapytania oraz niezbędne załączniki.

Oferty należy składać pocztą elektroniczną na adres: prezes@estom.eu lub osobiście w siedzibie firmy: ul. Towarowa 20b, 10-417 Olsztyn do dnia 5 lutego 2020 do godz. 16.00 (decyduje data wpływu oferty).

W razie pytań proszę o kontakt pod adresem mailowym: prezes@estom.eu

We specialize in the assembly of the metallurgical industry, as well as shipbuilding. In particular, the assembly of:


    • heavy steel structures, ie. Bridges or hulls,


    • industrial buildings,


    • Installation of various types, eg. Pipelines in refineries,


    • ventilation systems.



Inquiries should be sent to the e-mail address : prezes@estom.eu,
within 24 hours to provide you with a full response .
Our consultants are at your disposal.


You can obtain the infomation about all currently available job offers from the Companies that we cooperate with by writing us to e-mail. In case we are unable to provide you with an offer metting you expectations at the moment, be sure to send us an e-mail with your resume to sekretariat@estom.eu , giving the desied position in the email subject line. We will get back to you once we have an offer worth your notice.


Our consultants are at your disposal.